Right Age

for Care



We recommend that a child receive his or her first orthodontic examination no later than age 7. Early diagnosis and treatment can correct small problems before they become big problems.

Typical signs of the need for an orthodontic exam may include, but are not limited to the early or late loss of teeth, difficulty in chewing, mouth-breathing, finger sucking, crowded teeth, jaw dysfunction, a sunken or protruding jaw or misaligned teeth. Signs of potential orthodontic problems may not be obvious. Our initial exams are at no charge and are the most sensible means of ensuring proper oral health.

Interceptive care refers to orthodontic treatment at an age before all of the permanent teeth have erupted. This typically at occurs between the ages of 7 and 9. We can often correct major problems with occlusion such as crossbites or severe skeletal structural issues, as well as incisor alignment, when they are causing emotional distress at this age. Early treatment can make subsequent Phase II treatment more productive and ensure better results.


Orthodontics is more than straightening crooked teeth. An overbite, an underbite, a dysfunctional smile and a sunken or protruding chin all can be corrected with orthodontic treatment. Proper tooth and jaw alignment are critical to achieving long-term oral health.

We feel that treatment at this time provides us with the greatest opportunity to achieve the best result. Adolescent children are searching for their identity and their way in life, so treating at this time also allows us to provide encouragement and guidance as the child matures.


Many adults were unable to get orthodontic treatment during childhood and, as a result, have simply lived with misaligned teeth or a dysfunctional bite most of their lives. Orthodontics can be rewarding to our adult patients. We find that our adult patients are very motivated.

Teeth provide the support structure for the soft tissue of the lower face, including lips, cheeks, and marionette lines. By repositioning the teeth and jaw, skin can appear tighter and lips can appear fuller. We can often achieve greater facial aesthetics without surgery or the extraction of teeth by creating a treatment plan utilizing appliances that can expand the jaw and reposition teeth and gums.